Saturday, October 13, 2018

How a Butterfly is Born?

Explanation Text

We all know how beautiful butterflies are. Do you know that butterflies are not hatched with those beautiful and colourful wings? To have those gorgeous pair of wings, they have to go through a long transformation. This process is called metamorphosis. Butterfly life cycle or metamorphosis takes 4 stages. They are eggs, caterpillar, pupa, and butterfly.

Stage 1: the eggs
It all starts when a female butterfly lays her eggs, usually on leaves or stems of plants. Inside these tiny eggs, caterpillars grow. The eggs shape and texture can vary depending on the butterfly species. They can be round, oval, or cylinder. Their texture can be smooth, bumpy, or wrinkled.  The time to hatch also varies. Some species will hatch within a few weeks. Others will only hatch when the weather is warm enough.
Butterflies eggs on a leave

Stage 2: caterpillar
Once ready, the caterpillar leaves its egg home and enters the big outside world! And these little critters have one serious appetite. They actually eat their way out of the egg and immediately start chomping on the leaves of the host plant. During this stage, they shed their skin four or five times. As the caterpillar grows, its skin becomes too tight and splits open, revealing a new, larger skin underneath. A fully grown caterpillar can be over 100 times larger than when it emerged from its egg.
A caterpillar

Stage 3: the pupa
Once fully grown, the caterpillar forms into a “pupa” also known as chrysalis. Chrysalis is a kind of vessel in which the caterpillar changes into a butterfly. They usually do this on twigs or safe, hidden areas around the host plant. The pupa stage may last a few weeks to several months depending on the species. The pupa has a hard case around it. This case protects the pupa from predators and extreme weather conditions. The tissue, limbs and organs of the caterpillar transform inside the pupa. Then, a marvelous winged butterfly emerges!
A pupa or chrysalis
Stage 4: the butterfly
Once the butterfly is ready to emerge, the case around the pupa splits open. At first, the wings are wet, soft and wrinkled against its body. The butterfly waits for its wings to dry, and pumps a liquid called hemolymph into them so that they become big and strong. Once ready for flight, this brilliant bug then takes to the air in search for flowers to feed on. The cycle complete, and it is ready to start all over again!

A butterfly emerging from its cocoon

Butterflies need to go through a long process to become what they are. It takes days even weeks for them to be wonderful winged insects.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Water Cycle

Explanation Text

The water cycle is also known as the hydrological cycle.  The water cycle is how the earth's water recycles itself.

The cycle includes precipitation, evaporation, condensation, and transpiration. Earth's water keeps changing from liquid water to vapour and then back to liquid water. This cycle happens because of the sun's heat and gravity.

First of all, water from lakes, rivers, streams, and the sea get heated up by the sun. Then, it turns into vapour that rises into the air.

Next, these water molecules form into clouds. This is because a condensation occurs.

When the air and the water cool, they form drops of water which then fall to the earth as rain.  If they are frozen, they become snow. Once the water reaches the ground, it can flow across the land until it reaches rivers, lakes, streams, or the sea.

It can also sink into the ground and flow because of gravity through gaps in rock, gravel and sand.  Because of this, it reaches these bodies of water too.

Next,  the cycle begins again, when water is evaporated once more.

Explanation Text

What is an explanation text?

An explanation text tells the reader how something works or why something happens. It describes the stages in the process, for example, water cycle, how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. An explanation text can also details the causes, for example why we blink when we sneeze, why is the ozone layer getting thinner.


  1. Explanation text is written in simple present. It tells facts or general truth.
  2. Talk in group instead of individual, e.g. boats, cats, cows, and so on.
  3. It uses connectives to tell the sequencing process such as first, then, following, finally, and many more. It sometimes uses connective that explain cause-effect like so and because.


Title is an important part. It can introduce what the paragraphs explain about. We may use questions why or how on the title, for example why do we sneeze? or how do we breathe?

This gives information what to be explained in the following paragraphs. 

These paragraphs inform the steps explaining why or how it happens.

The last paragraph sums up the main ideas or draw everything together.

These are some example of explanation text. Click to read the text.
Water Cycle
How a butterfly is born?


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Diving in Bunaken Island

Personal Recount

Last year, I left New Zealand for Bunaken island. I went there with a group of New Zealand divers. Getting there was not quite easy. It took a long flight to get from Wellington to Bunaken island.

Soon after we arrived at Bunaken, we got a general briefing. The guide explained how to dive safely. They also told us where to find the best diving site. It included a description about how to take pictures under water.

Then, we began our diving. In our diving, we saw groups of tiny fish. In order to identify them, we needed a good guide. We need to know about their habitat and behavior. Without that knowledge, it is difficult to identify them.

In summary, the trip was mostly enjoyable. This place is so impressive with its marine life.